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Crystals in Outdoor Spaces

As we welcome warmer weather and are knee deep in gardening season, I have to ask, do you use crystals in your outdoor spaces? There are so many ways to incorporate the healing and protective energies of crystals into your backyard. Let me share a few simple ways you can energize and promote abundance in your outdoor spaces.

Add them to your plants...

The easiest way is to add crystals to your garden or potted plants (yes, this includes your indoors plants too). Crystals release needed minerals into the soil and promote healing and healthy growth from their crystalline energies. You can add them just below the soil line or lay them on top of the soil near the stem of the plant. You can also create a grid around your plant(s).

My favorite crystals for this are - 

  • Azurite

  • Chrysocolla

  • Malachite

  • Moss Agate

  • Garden Quartz

  • Petrified Wood

  • Clear Quartz

Create a sanctuary...

Create a bee and/or butterfly crystal bath. 

  • To attract bees, fill a shallow dish with various crystals and water. Change out the water regularly. You can add a small pump to the water to create movement and attract the attention of the bees. Bees like colors such as yellow, purple and blue, so choose crystals such as Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Amethyst, Chrysocolla, and Aquamarine.

  • Butterflies do not like standing water, so have a separate area for them. It is best to soak and spray crystals and rocks to mimic condensation and dew. Also, instead of filling the tray with water, fill it with moist natural sand (moisten daily), then add your crystals. Butterflies like bright colors like orange, red, yellow and purple, so choose crystals such as Carnelian, Citrine, and Amethyst.  Incorporate limestone if available, as it contains minerals needed by male butterflies.

Invite in nature spirits...

Create a fairy garden, mandala, or meditative space using crystals and other items from nature.

  • assorted crystals

  • twigs, leaves, moss

  • flowers, petals, herbs

  • nuts, acorns, seeds

Make time for connection...

Create a mini labyrinth! This does not have to be large - if you do not have the space to create one that you can walk through, then create one using a large planter, tray, or small space outside and create a "finger" or meditation labyrinth using crystals, rocks, sand, and/or plants. Use crystals that call to you the most. I think a beautiful Clear Quartz generator in the center would energize this mini meditation labyrinth nicely!

Add color and sparkle...

Create a crystal suncatcher or wind chime using crystals. Transparent or clear crystals are best for the most sparkle, but anything with a shimmer, such as Sunstone, is magical too! You can use fun colors in your thread, or use clear to let the focus stay on the crystals. Tying the strung crystal to a painted stick is an easy way to create an outdoor wind chime and suncatcher all in one. This is also a great project to create with your kids and grand kids.

  • Transparent crystals - such as Clear Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst, Peridot, Carnelian, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Topaz

  • Shimmery crystals - Sunstone, Aventurines, Mica, Lepidolite, Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone

Has this given you new ideas? Honestly, I typically lose interest in gardening once it gets hot (hello July!), so crystals help maintain my enthusiasm - as do earlier mornings before the heat of the day sets in. Adding crystals to my outdoor spaces and my indoor houseplants puts an extra sparkle in my day. As I walk past them I am reminded to stay connected to the present moment, and the crystals helps my plants stay happy, healthy, and vibrant.

Wishing you love & joy today and always!



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